Via Trasaghis 180
33013 Gemona del Friuli (UD) ITALIA
T. +39 0432 98 11 67
F. +39 0432 89 25 91
@; loris@franceschinoloris.it
In this section it is possible to find out how we select and manage all timber and raw wood material we acquire for producing our high-quality wooden handles. The company Gruppo Franceschino Loris is extremely devoted to quality of wood material, liability of suppliers and overall customer satisfaction. For this reason all process for buying timber, boards and elements is subject to constant quality controll, fully complies with EU Timber regulation and is base on eco-sustainability attitude.
The company Gruppo Franceschino Loris is a high-quality wooden handles manufacturer and produces handles for numerous tools used in agriculture, gardening and building industry. The management is extremely devoted to customer-satisfaction mainly gained with well-defined and particularly strong wooden handles. The factory is highly automatized and can realize a wide range of customized products assuring satisfaction to all national and international clients
This section is entirely dedicated to our production, meaning a wide range of high-quality wooden handles realized to be fixed on various tools used in agriculture, gardening and building industry. The quality of our handles and the high level of customization is for sure our strength in the business.

“The appreciation obtained in over 40 years of business are a motivation to go-ahead to this way”

Wooden handles producers since 1968
North side company